Wednesday, April 22, 2015


As Alicia and I have plotted the next steps of this blog, we dream for it to be a blog where real conversations happen and where encouragement and inspiration flows -not that this would be a result of our own efforts, but out of an effort to pursue LIFE more abundantly. In this attempt, we want to start a Monday series (we know today isn't quite Monday) that speaks to the struggles and victories in our lives. We hope that you can relate to some of the topics we dive into (and perhaps contribute to the conversation with your comments). We are stepping out into the unknown in good faith with this series... Will you come too? 
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It was a conversation with Alicia that prompted this first series title, Enough. The conversation went something like this:

"I wish I was good at something. I mean, like really good at it. I'm tired of being the girl that dabbles at the surface of a lot of different interests and I feel like I'm just not good enough at most things..." I grumbled to my dear friend. 

"She, you know that you are more than enough! You know that just because one person may not see your talents and gifts for what they are doesn't mean that they aren't talents and gifts. When will you believe that what God has given you is exactly ENOUGH!?" 

I left the conversation with a tear rolling down my cheek and frustration overflowing. She was right. She named the struggle that I battled even as a young girl: the struggle of feeling like I am never enough. If only I was thinner, prettier, smarter, stronger, more athletic, more ambitious, more soft spoken.... and the list goes on of all the things I've never quite felt enough.

As I drove home, the conversation played over in my mind and I realized that this battle of not feeling enough dates back to the creation of the world. Eve did not feel like she was enough.... this is the lie that women believe and this is the lie we let defeat us every day. If only I was a better mom. If only I was better at my job. Why can't I be the wife I should be? Why can't I have the life she has? I wish I was better at that! I wish I could eat that and not gain weight. Do you hear lies like these in your own head? I do. Every day. 

But I decided today.

I'm done with the lie. 

I'm done feeling like I'm not enough and I'm done wishing I was more! Of course there are things I can work to change. There are areas in my life that I need to dust off, polish and brighten, but I refuse to believe I am not enough.

I want to face this insecurity and the best way I know to do this for myself is to write about it! So will you join Alicia and I on Mondays as we say Enough is Enough? Will you, too, say, "I am enough!"


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