It is a lot of pressure to be a mom…I mean,
haven’t you heard? We are raising the leaders of tomorrow!! This is pressure,
people! For me, that pressure immediately makes me feel as though I am
lacking…and I’m not talking about lacking a little here and there, but rather
lacking in a HUGE way.
There have been so many days in the last four and a half
years where I have felt like a complete and utter failure. So many days, where
I look back on the whole day and just see situations where I could have done so
much better; where I keep having to take a breath deep so I don’t lose my cool,
or where I accidentally do lose my many days where I feel like its
just such a losing battle and I will never be enough…enough for my kids or
enough for my husband.

It is after those times, that I realize, those moments, bring
about some of the best lessons – both for me and for my girls. It is those
moments that teach me, form me, and grow me into a better mom. Also, after
those times, I realize that my girls, more than anything else, need someone to
love them. Unconditionally. I cannot do
more than to start each day striving to and praying for the strength to choose
love in each situation that is placed before me. I cannot do more than to try
not to repeat the mistakes of the day before. I cannot do anything more than
bring my girls to the Lord in prayer and let them be His for the day….to accept
my position as a tool of Him, rather the one who is charge of making everything
happen. I am enough for my girls, just as I am. I am not perfect, but I am
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