Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Embrace Awkward

A Better You. Be Brave.

I've never considered myself an athlete nor have I ever considered myself physically strong. I was the girl that was more of the "artsy girl". I sang, acted, and loved the stage! Athletic was never part of describing me.

I have never really done hard physical activity. I've never pushed my body to do difficult tasks. I've always stayed in the comfort zone. Yet, as I get older, I feel my body and mind needing another push to stay young and healthy. It's not really about a "diet" for me as much as it is finding ways to push myself physically... so I started being brave to try new things. I think most of us have this fear of looking awkward or silly and so we don't try the things we've always wanted to do. Yet, I decided a month ago that I wasn't going to worry about awkward or silly:

1. I started going to an adult dance class. 
I'm kind of awkward at it and a lot of times I end up just laughing at myself, but it's something that I've always wanted to do and it pushes me physically!

2. I started doing more yoga

This is another thing that I feel pretty goofy doing, but I feel so much better after I try a few different poses. It's making me stronger!

3. I'm pushing myself to go harder than I thought I could!
You see me back there? Yea, that's me trying my best to not pass out! Riding a bike up a giant hill is stinking hard!!!! But, I am learning to push my body because I am stronger than I think I am. 

New things have helped me to see a new part of me. They have pushed me outside my box. They have helped me to be alright with awkward. And most of all, they have inspired me to LIVE life more fully!

What new things are you trying?

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