Thursday, May 14, 2015

It's the Little Things

Growing up, I was always an athlete....

soccer and t-ball when I was little, then basketball and softball...

and finally volleyball and track...

However there have been only a few times in my life where I have actually worked out that one summer, in high school, so I wouldn't be sore when volleyball two-a-days started. Oh, and a couple years ago when I shared a trainer with my sister-in-law and we worked out regularly at the gym...

Other than that, I ashamedly admit, it has been hit or miss...and by that, I mean mostly miss. (By the way, my ego has left the building.)

It is the little things though...There is progress...I have worked out 23 out of the last 24 days!!! 

Do I feel like it every day? Hmm...NOPE. Do I feel better after? Absolutely. 

Am I able to do everything I want to do, or feel like I should be able to do, during the workout? Not at all. Do I notice small victories each time I do it though? Definitely. 

Each day I like it a little bit more than the day before. Each day I am a little bit stronger than the day before. pants are looser!!! My post-baby belly is starting to shrink. It isn't immediate. But it is progress. 

I'm not perfect, but I'm growing (or in this case...shrinking????). 

Growth is progress. Growth is the ultimate goal right? This whole journey is pointless if nothing but my pants size changes. The way I do life has to change. The way I think about food and exercise has to change.

I don't want to go back. I want to be mentally strong. I want a healthy lifestyle. I want working out to be what I do every day...kind of like eating breakfast. It's just something I have to do...something I get to do. 

Journey with me??? 

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