Monday, May 4, 2015

Enough. As I am.

My father is an ambitious man. He loves to learn and grow, so much so that he has two doctorates. I grew up watching him teach, preach and help people and it made me want to follow in his footsteps. And so I did. Sort of. I started teaching Sunday school classes at the small age of 6 and ever since then I knew I  was going to be as ambitious and successful as him. My life goal: to become a teacher and change the world.

I eventually did become a teacher, but somewhere on the journey, I started believing the lie that my worth was wrapped up in my accomplishments. Out of no fault of my father, I found myself believing that my career determined if I was enough or not. Do you ever feel that same pressure? Maybe for you it's more about personal goals like when you get married, how many kids you have, or how much money you make. For me, I've had a hard time believing that I am enough even if I'm not a teacher or a successful writer or even if I don't change the world...

In recent years, God has taken that lie and turned it upside down. My "career" has taken some twists and turns that I didn't plan. It's been really tough, but with those turns, I've been pushed to sit in a place where I don't feel as "successful" and I've had quiet time to find Sheila.

To tell you the truth, the more I find the Sheila that isn't wrapped up in career success, the more I like her. The more I like her, the more I feel like she is enough. Don't get me wrong, it's a work in process. I fight the lie often, but I really believe the more I strip it all away and rest in who God has made me to be (a goofy, adventurous, loud mouthed jokester who loves people) the quieter the lie gets and someday I will be able to be a teacher and still know that Sheila is more than enough.... just as she is.
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This is probably an appropriate place to stop the blog post, but I really feel like I want to speak directly to you, the reader.

I hope you know that you, too, are more than enough. No matter what place in life you are in and no matter what unexpected turns have come and gone from your life, you ... just as you are... is more than enough. I pray that you too will have opportunities to enjoy the very core of who you are and who God made you to be!

As we journey together, let's help each other. We would love to hear ways in which you are learning that you are more than enough! Email us at or comment below!


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