Monday, May 11, 2015

Concluding Enough

It's a sunny day, the flowers in the front bed are blooming, the lawn is green.
There is laughter coming from the swings in the back yard. This is life. This is enough.

Each day at work gets harder than the day before. You're tempted to quit, but you also can't be without an income. You can't be without a job. What would your family think? What would everyone think? This is life. This does not have to define you. You were created with a divine purpose.
You are enough.

You look around you...she's skinnier, she's more toned, she has way prettier hair, she has more money, she has cuter could go on and on. Each one of these observations brings your own insecurities to light. This is life. He created you. He is enough. 

Why, so often, do we believe the lie? Why do we let it get to us? Why do we give it power over us?

There is always room for growth. To be stretched and changed. 

I often have to remind myself that God didn't mess up when He made me. I have quirks, idiosyncrasies, strengths, weaknesses..all things that make me unique. All things that have some sort of purpose and reason. 

I must learn to trust.

I must learn to let go.

I must learn to believe that He made me to be enough. Together, Him and I can do great things!


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