Monday, March 16, 2015

The Unexpected

Friendship. Part three.

I firmly believe that God brings people into our lives at different times for very distinct reasons. I also believe that we were not meant to be friendless. We were made for love. We were made to care about others. We were made to be wanted. 

I never expected to become such good friends with Alicia, but God knew I needed her. We are very different and in quite different places in life, but God knew I needed a friend to: laugh, cry, adventure, dance, write, live, hope, dream, remember, and walk with. 

For me, this blog is about sharing. It's about exploring life together and pushing each other to do more of the things we've wanted to do but never have. It's about helping each other live a little more of a diverse life where we experience a little bit of each other's flavor. 

Life is to be shared.


~ ~ ~
I feel as though there is so much I could say about my friendship with Sheila...while it wasn't something I even knew I needed at the time we met, it has become something I hold so dear and value so very much. God has used her, in my life, in ways I never even imagined. She challenges me, pushes me WAAAAY outside my comfort zone, all the while, caring about me and who I am. Like She said, we are so different and are at very different places in our lives, but amidst those differences, we have found a way to communicate, challenge and walk through life together. 

One of the first nights that I met Sheila, she was leaving our house late, and I said "hey, text me when you make it home." That is how our communication started. Many text messages, pictures, quotes, and funny moments have been captured via text. It's like we are digital pen pals. 

My hope and prayer for this blog is that, as you see two completely different people grow in the friendship God had for them, you, too, are challenged to do the same in your life. This may look different for you.

...for Sheila and I, it looks something like this:


Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Adventure

Friendship. Part two.

I'd like to say that I'm an adventurer.

It started when I was in middle school when I hiked the Grand Canyon with my grandparents. It's safe to say they helped me grow into my adventure. From then on, I've looked for adventure. Camping, hiking, simply being free in the woods is something I truly enjoy. I love getting away from the city; away from the rush of life, the clutter in my mind. I love God in nature. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not brave enough to leave everything behind and hunker down in the woods all by myself. I would go crazy. Quite literally. I enjoy people too much to leave it all behind for a cozy spot in a forested area. I need people. I know it. And an adventure isn't quite the same without someone to enjoy it with.

I think this is what friendship looks like to me.

It's about walking together.

The trail may get muddy. The trail may end. We may have to walk through waste high water or climb up giant scary rocks. We may have to take breaks along the way and we may want to quit at times. But to me, friendship is all about the walk, the hike, the adventure. It's walking side by side through whatever comes along and knowing that friends will always keep walking together. Quitting isn't an option. Pushing, encouraging, challenging, and going another mile is what friendship is all about.

And every now and again, enjoying those mountain top experiences together too.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Crumbs

Friendship. Part One.

I remember being a little girl, sitting at a toddler had one of my mom's lace table clothes over it. There were also four delicate, glass teacups and saucers...and one antique teapot. Sitting at this table with me were my three best friends. We were wearing dresses and pearls, pretending to be sophisticated ladies. Yet, despite our best efforts, we couldn't help but giggle and snort our way through the entire tea. We slopped and spilled our tea; crumbs fell all over the carpeted floor of my bedroom; we ate more sugar cubes and drank more honey than actual tea...but, in my mind, at age 6, this was the perfect way to spend an afternoon.

To me, this is a great example of friendship.

Friendship is getting dressed up in completely ridiculous outfits, without questioning why. And then, together, in stirrup pants and with crimped hair, laughing your way through life's peculiar situations.
Friendship is realizing that, it's not what you are doing, but rather just the fact that you are doing it together that matters.
Friendship is choosing the people you want to make messes with, and clean up with, no matter what those messes are.
Friendship is realizing that, occasionally, you end up somewhere you never intended to be, yet, you work together to find the joy, even in that place.

Friendship is not always teacups and sugar isn't always something flowery and easy. It is loyal, messy, hilarious, honest, steady, reliable and so much more...but, when you find a friend, a real, true is something you hold on to for dear life - it's going to be a wild ride!


Friday, March 6, 2015

The Spread

Yes, we realize there are a million blogs out there in this digital age. Anyone can start a blog. Anyone can type away. Anyone can have an opinion that MUST be shared. Very few have anything to say that really truly matters. So why would two friends who already clutter the bloggersphere with their own blogs want start a new blog?! Right. Good question...

Let's find out as we go.

-She & A